
对生命的研究是一项令人兴奋且不断增长的挑战. We want to share with you our passion for 生物学 as together we widen our understanding of the natural world.

强调生物研究, 科学研究, 以及在澳门线上博彩官网自己的海洋实验室的实践经验, you will graduate from 沃拉沃拉大学 equipped to succeed in further academics and with a greater understanding of the complexity of life among us.


When you pursue a degree through 沃拉沃拉大学’s 生物科学系, 你会喜欢本科课程,比如普通生态学, 细胞生物学, 遗传学, 以及起源和物种形成的哲学. 你会有很多动手学习的机会, whether it’s in one of our research laboratories or at our nationally-known 罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室. 作为沃拉沃拉大学的生物系学生,您将受益于:

  • 拥有高级学位的教员. Many of our distinguished faculty have received special recognition for their research, 教学, 以及学术指导. 
  • 个性化的学术支持. A low student-to-faculty ratio means you’ll have frequent contact with your professors in the classroom and beyond. 此外,学生发展中心还提供免费辅导.
  • 无与伦比的研究机会. 无论是在罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室的研究, 在菲律宾群岛或太平洋西北部进行实地考察, or participation in laboratory projects like examining immune system responses to cancer, 你将和你的教授一起进行原创研究. In fact, WWU students routinely present their findings at professional conferences.
  • 一个支持基督教的环境. Complement your rigorous academic program with a supportive network of Christian colleagues focused on helping you realize your full potential and affirm your belief in God.
  • 研究生学习选择. 对教学或研究感兴趣的? Continue to enjoy our spiritually and social rich campus environment while you earn your Masters of Science degree in 生物学 (a two-year program).
  • 良好的业绩记录. 生物学课程培养学生像科学家一样思考, 这是通过MCAT考试的基本技能. 在过去的十年里, over 80 percent of all WWU students who applied to medical school received an acceptance. 在其中的六年里,平均录取率超过90%.

生物学学位可以打开通往无数职业机会的大门. Our program mixes 场 and laboratory experience while giving flexibility to choose courses in the area you prefer. The 生物学 faculty are committed to 教学 more than the history of 生物学 or a list of facts; they want to inspire you with the skills and appreciation to study life. 学生进入的具体职业有:

  • 医学
  • 大学教授
  • 兽医科学
  • 口腔科学
  • 实验室技术员
  • 老师
  • 野外生物学家
  • 研究
  • 为特定的公司工作,包括美国公司.S. 林务局,三州钢铁协会,还有大自然保护协会. 

The 生物科学 Department offers four bachelor degrees—three of which are interdisciplinary—and one 生物学 minor. 如果你对什么学位适合你的目标有疑问, 联系学术顾问,电话:(509)517-2132.




作为WWU的一名生物系学生, you have an exceptionally unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience at our 罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室.

罗萨里奥海滩海洋实验室, 由沃拉沃拉大学拥有和经营, 主要是为了培养海洋专业的本科生和研究生, 场, 以及在基督教环境下的实验科学.

夏季学期(6月中旬至8月中旬), upper-division and graduate students can choose from a variety of marine and other biological sciences courses, 或者可以进行学院赞助或独立的研究项目. Lower-division undergraduates can get a full academic year's worth of General Biology in just one summer. 


Biology and biochemistry students have a variety of opportunities to participate in internships. 过去的实习经历包括:

  • 德克萨斯州肯达利亚野生动物救援和康复中心的动物护理实习生
  • 在南非海洋研究中心研究鲨鱼
  • Studying protein expression in human tissue at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • 通过LLU与ProTECTOR在洪都拉斯进行海龟研究
  • Considering the role of microRNAs in fibrosis at Helmholtz Zentrum in Munich, Germany
  • 研究ing with PATH, a non-profit health research organization in Seattle, Washington

Learn how the 学生发展中心 can help you find and land your dream internship.

研究生s from the biological sciences department go on to do many things including:

  • 在梅奥诊所研究癫痫 
  • 成为兽医眼科专家
  • 完成博士学位.D. 南极生物研究计划
  • 在德克萨斯州约翰霍普金斯大学获得研究生学位&M, UC Davis, Loma Linda University, University of Washington, Washington State University
  • 从事国际医学和国际护理工作
  • Working with Washington Association of Marine Laboratories to sequence and catalogue the marine invertebrates of the Salish Sea

“记住,实现最终目标的过程和取得成就一样有趣. I can't express enough how well my degree in Biology at 沃拉沃拉大学 prepared me for veterinary school. I also thank my advisor; make sure you find someone at WWU that supports you every step of the way. 沃拉沃拉大学不仅让我成为一名优秀的兽医, but my Biology degree also gave me the critical thinking skills and experience to be a contributing part of the scientific community. 从我的细胞生物学课程(直到今天都很方便), 生物统计学(是的, 尽管痛苦的, 这是极其重要的), to my experience at Rosario (priceless and ultimately essential when I pursued research with penguins) has been crucial to my education. Now I am a board-certified Veterinary Ophthalmologist, working every day with animals and their eyes. 当我如此热爱它的时候,很难称之为工作. 胸怀大志,因为在你的职业方程式中,你是唯一限制你的一步."

“沃拉沃拉大学对我来说是一个很棒的地方. 生物系在这里住了三年多. 正是在那里,我学会并培养了许多最有价值的生活技能. 我被教导去思考,去观察,带着尊重去提问,去理解. 在压力下,记忆往往会失败, 但理解和理解将澄清困难的情况. 我的老师是我所见过的最好的老师, 并建立了长达20多年的友谊."

"My career choice changed multiple times during my years at Walla Walla but my status as a Biology major held through each change. I stayed a Biology major partly because of my anticipation of what was to come in the next set of classes and how concepts I was curious about would be explored more deeply, 部分原因在于该学位的灵活性, 部分原因是该系的优秀教师. Now, after graduating, I'm leaving with knowledge that is both factual and conceptual. What I learned at Walla Walla gives me the ability to understand the mechanisms of life and it also informs the perspectives with which I see the world."

“我在WWU的时候, 我有幸师从一些我所遇到过的最好的教授, 那时或从那时起. The level of course work we were expected to master exceeded that of some of my medical school classes. 等我上医学院的时候, 我已经看过很多基础的科学材料, which made adding to that knowledge and building on that WWU foundation a fun experience. My master’s degree in 生物学 proved vital to my current position as a neurosurgery resident because of the topic and quality of the experience. 当我在WWU的时候, it was easy to look at other schools and wonder if I was getting the best education. What I have discovered after leaving WWU is that the education I received was first rate in preparing me for all that has come after, 并且优于其他许多知名机构."